Friday, June 26, 2015

Leap Second Festival 2015


The festival is an open, global, free, distributed event for art,
technology & precarity on the net. The festival starts 30. June 23:59:60
UTC and lasts 1 second until 1. July 00:00:00.

THIS SECOND LEAP SECOND FESTIVAL, the first one was held in 2012, sees
69 works worldwide, in as different media as would fit the special
limitations of this event, from split-second movies and musical works,
to conceptual-, instructional art, performance, and sculpture.
Nontheless, these miniature works in size, often range in content as far
beyond their formal limitation as the limits are limiting, reflecting
the contrast in magnitude behind the idea and technique of the leap
second ?from the atomical to the astronomical? when adding an extra
second to time as the earth wobbles in its rotation. And also reflecting
on the irregularity and unpredictability of this drift as a sort of
glitch in nature, given the recent technology to measure and process it
precicely. Finally, a sense of precarity in all this, which encompasses
global fragility, technological hubris, system-glitches from
implementing leap seconds in computing; artistic self-precarization and,
perhaps, self-consume as metaphors. For all these reasons an anti-event
as well as an event.

PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: Diana Ali, Sherwin Altarez Mapanoo, Marijke
Appelman, William Bain, Daria Baiocchi, Domenico Barra, _blank, Francis
Patrick Brady, BrowserBased Group, Brud, Christian Bøen, Ana Buigues,
Anupong Charoenmitr, Anna Chatziioannidi, Sarawut Chutiwongpeti, Ezio
Cicciarella, Nick Collins, Martin Conrads, Michael Davies, det0une
(Edoardo Gaudieri), Josh Feigin, Cleber Gazana, Patty Hogan, Heidi
Hörsturz, Jan-M. Iversen, Lau Ching Wa Jess, Amelia Johannes, Justyna
Kabala, Timo Kahlen, Vasilis Karvounis, Rebecca Kadi, Yuko Katori, Ayshe
Kizilçay, Vijay Kumar Sappatti, Danhua Ma, Rosa Macedo, Bjørn
Magnhildøen, Natalia Matta-Landero, Brüno Melo, Karina Mitchell, Eden
Mitsenmacher, Larissa Monteiro,Nenad Nedeljkov, Klaus Pinter, Theodora
Prassa, Ria Puskas, Sandra Reyes Melnick, Eleonora Roaro, Nigel Roberts,
Anja Christine Roß, s.a.b.a (Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu), Mauricio
Sanhueza, Shivkumar K V, Sinquenza, Alan Sondheim, Jürgen Trautwein,
Robin Vollmar, Thomas Wernberg, David Whitcraft, Hande Zerkin, Bodo
Zwart, Malgorzata Zurada.

THE FULL PROGRAMME is available at (PDF) (HTML) (DOC)

The Leap Second Festival is a distributed, online festival lasting only
one second, which means that all works will be exhibited and performed
at the same time, 30. June 23:59:60 UTC, simultaneously during the leap
second. The live feed will consist of all the works being available for
broadcasting, and will last one second. Check what UTC time to get the
correct time for the event in our timezone.

Many thanks to all participants making this curious event possible, and
even real (as real as time gets)! Thanks also to Arts Council Norway
(Art and New Technology), for the boldness of funding such a festival,
despite the brevity and virtuality of the occasion. The festival is
produced by Ars Publica / noemata and is curated & coordinated by Bjørn
Magnhildøen. The future of the leap second is uncertain. The World
Radiocommunication Conference will vote on abolishing the leap second
later in 2015. Even so, The Leap Second Festival might prevail as other
pagan celebrations of earth cycles.

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