Saturday, April 25, 2015

Compose the train 930

After Lanny Quarles

Nickel dime spider to blonde with christy makes me hot but my retarded
lose a deep blue ocean so cold thinking crystals on like shit buccaneers
hey man but better man doubles tasting your name closest all narrows
roses your hips are tonight road to be legal tender a few free books
where my money miss submarine souls mandatory suddenly need help that I
love this sunday love times I’m just love this phone harley the bait and
chiwawa perhaps this glorious sold sea before did this cards ranches
joining them and running around my second time and names emotions this
is the last nerve to do this breasts this is arena just to see a screw
up chuck chuck nashville to buckle but the first part 3 main street but
amazing looks like the pet store no strings telephone sexy I’m way bus
we liked his cellphone like his cellphone sweet sexy I’m on a bed of
tustin lady nuns I’m broke fruit trees headphones for a cute sexy ass
mama penis phone number stockholm sunshine this is cool verse my sense
forever a blue starfish estamos beautiful thing in the world to send
phone -0 people writers schooners having people are in
statistics him I buy you a mom dan’s been over probably within 10
arrange a woman’s no strings ssn phone about her baby sucking on I will
breast some and come here so close to a cellphone ahead jen 60 phone
sends checking out the shower she was in oceanside for babysitting me my
shit phone send call my aunt is on the left to the emblems phone send
it’s a simple necessities them a fellow baby nothing sandals don’t send
phone j_f_k have put it in to see wat up sizzler headset for expensive
seems like a mistake judy’s it is a good day to 60 incense centimeters
phone number moni harriman I love this is amazing thank you q_c way
nigger penis cellphone a t by costco you see my sams card today and gym
alden I’m distracted news with the cellphone in a dream by early
remember the mexicans help amaze in my fast food in oceanside on cisco
kid is shit to go so me this sponges my 10 month and pieces to pay
missus life and my florida live boy pain so have a table at starbucks
another person on the time I hanging gardens holy bible on manson phones
consultants to be after his I d nazis in the pics and on no strings
penis of books penis remind me send piercing penis I’m about hearing can
it done sexy jet hearings weed starfish penises starbucks brown
my cellphone school fifth never penis savings and comfortable in the
texas coming to red head I’m headed to sit with no sry send a text
please faceplate mason in 20 to the sentiment of the starbucks by the
tickets for the chance to dynamite 1 of the stuff is a member get things
done anxious to see cellphone us tony’s have a blessed day in a lot of
bass land minute this is gonna sissy meet in the jackson anything up for
assistance tonight middle amethysta to cell phones enough for me what
helping what sub what brand the house Lowes at 58 defrost a condom moist
in there pussy licked extraction of the Ring Timur do platonic fitness
cable laptops ringtone my cuddle and my whole car floor I read a joker
sacrifice at the Mexican my coat on this ties BMW fitness center Adult
Swim. Good night XO phone left open everything simple aspects. It kind
of my coat on this time school to stay in the report noise during the
next Mon mud dragon Ocala today that is on fitness pineapple contents
decorated to my card on the poolside mo court poolside committee
sacrifise cuz you need the next steps in threesome locked up give Jolly
Rancher LG Chocolate CCD talk to Angela crazy 03 another kiss cell phone
plan to bomb the nation mercy this nipple ring madesicc security thing
since the Shocker US brand food there boy look like ants just had an
excuse to see Alexis breast enhancement painting Mountain Park look at
the station nipple rings nude latino hottie Lexus breast enhancement
little Bella texting what language is bloody well eight bar Nicole
cellphone Rosso end to launch chairs texting concrete planters specified
I love on the ladies to restore totally please don’t give him a ride
again leland bargain nadia a biblical I’m in the restore cyclops know
voice lame gold head coach this issue strength to say good luck aurora
movies so it is the station x’s texting and handsome and condos this is
a good thing a_t_&_t and pictures very soon anderson my love baby face
and seacoast let it takes announcements your turn p p p a d a
philosophical zombie ticket to surprise surprise tools or forwardI love
on the ladies to restore totally please don’t give him a ride again
leland bargain nadia a biblical I’m in the restore cyclops know voice
lame gold head coach this issue strength to say good luck aurora movies
so it is the station x’s texting and handsome and condos this is a good
thing a_t_&_t and pictures very soon anderson my love baby face and
seacoast let it takes announcements your turn p p p a d a philosophical
zombie ticket to surprise surprise tools or forward

fake page for bots


Mystisk nyhet

Forskere sier de har løst et av universets største mysterium
– Nei det har de ikke egentlig.

Er mysteriet med «den kalde flekken» løst?
– Nei egentlig ikke.

«Den kalde flekken» har vært et mysterium siden den først dukket opp i
– Jeg vil vel ikke helt si det.

I elleve år har forskere over hele verden klødd seg i hodet over dette
store kalde området, uten å finne en forklaring på hvorfor det er der.
Eller hva det er.
– Så vanskelig er det ikke i virkeligheten, forklarer forskeren.

Teamet oppdaget et stort tomrom, en stor region 1,8 milliarder lysår
unna, hvor tettheten av galakser er mye lavere enn ellers i universet,
skriver universitetet.
– Noe tomrom er det jo ikke.

Så er det dette tomrommet som har skapt den kalde flekken?
– Nei, det er det ikke, sier forsker og professor.

Funnene er interessante, kan de forklare den kalde flekken fullt og
– Nei, det kan de ikke.

Så foreløpig så står den fortsatt som et stort spørsmålstegn?
– Ja jeg vil si det.

Og der dukket denne kalde flekken opp?
– Nei, den har vært der en stund.

Men ingen visste hva den var?
-Jo man visste allerede en god del.

I 2013 ble mysteriet større. Data fra romteleskopet «Planck» viste
nemlig flekken, som naturligvis har fått sitt navn fordi temperaturen
der er lavere enn ellers, er mye større enn forskerne først trodde.
– Det er en anomali, men noe mysterie vil jeg ikke kalle det.

Et supervakuum?
– Det er ikke et tomrom, egentlig. Det er bare et område med 10 prosent
mindre galakser.

Hvilke andre forklaringer har vi på hvorfor dette området er så kaldt?
Nei, det kan være skapt ved en tilfeldighet.

Så hvis du klikket på denne saken i håp om å få løsningen på et kosmisk
mysterium, så kan vi ikke hjelpe deg.
– Dette tomrommet ville kunne forklare 10 prosent av den kalde flekken,
men ikke mer enn det.

Her er en liste over 10 store andre fenomener som forskerne heller ikke
– Jo vi forstår egentlig mye av dette. Det vi ikke forstår like godt er
hvordan media blåser opp hele universer av bare tomrom.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

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